Spotlight On: Reishi Mushroom

And, as there is so much to be said about each one, we have decided to put some of these superfood superstars under the spotlight, so you can really get to know them. We’ve already tackled Lion’s Mane, but now it’s time for another ‘king’ mushroom.

The Reishi!

You may have heard it name-checked in health food blogs and articles — and with good reason. Here we explore the many health benefits of this red ‘shroom with ‘Spotlight on: Reishi Mushroom’. 

The Royal Mushroom

Medicinal mushrooms are making waves in the wellness world today, but their incredible benefits have been cherished for centuries in Asian cultures. Reishi, in particular, was once reserved exclusively for royalty. With its striking deep-red hue and rarity in the wild, it became a revered symbol of immortality and robust health. Known as Lingzhi in China, this mushroom is now available in various forms — powdered, brewed into tea, or made into tinctures. One tip, though: don’t toss it on your pizza! Reishi’s taste is quite bitter and has a woody texture.

Get your Reishi mushroom supplement today.


What Does It Look Like?

As we’ve already mentioned, the reishi is famous for its reddish hue, which can in fact range from orange to a ruddy-brown. Kidney-shaped, it has a shiny varnish-like surface (again — not tasty!), and fans out from its stem. It grows in the wild at the base of deciduous trees like the plum or maple, however, only a couple of these trees per 10,000 will feature reishi growth. This makes it scarce naturally, but it is able to be cultivated on sawdust, wood chips or hardwood logs. Thusly providing all the hot new wellness products with their reishi-factor. 

Now, there are many, many health benefits the reishi is famed for. We are gonna focus on the top 5 of this majestic mushroom’s properties — prepare to be amazed!

They Could Help Fight Cancer

Recent studies have explored the potential effects of reishi mushrooms on cancer cells, yielding some promising findings. While much about the causes and treatments of cancer remains unknown, there have been intriguing developments. A small study published in the Journal of Oncology reported that reishi mushrooms helped shrink cancer cells in three patients. 

Additionally, reishi may play a role in preventing the formation of cancer cells altogether. This potential stems from beta-glucans, compounds that can inhibit the growth of blood vessels, thereby limiting cancer cell development. Reishi is also packed with triterpenes (a type of essential oil), which may help prevent tumors from growing and spreading. On top of these benefits, reishi is believed to enhance the effectiveness of radiotherapy while alleviating the nausea associated with chemotherapy.


If you’re undergoing cancer treatment, always consult your doctor before introducing new supplements into your routine.

They Could Make You Immortal!

OK, maybe that’s an exaggeration. But, the reishi has not been known for millennia as the ‘mushroom of immortality’ in Asian countries for nothing! Of course, anything that’s healthy for you can aid in longevity, but there is some hard evidence to back it up. In a lab-based study published in Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry in 2009, it was discovered that the chain of carbohydrates (polysaccharides) inside the reishi may encourage longevity by supercharging the immune system, and stopping abnormal blood vessel developments, which can lead to cancer.  

They Boost Your Brain

Research has highlighted reishi’s neuroprotective properties, which help preserve brain neurons over time. This can enhance memory and potentially safeguard against degenerative brain diseases. A 2012 study published in Neuropharmacology revealed that reishi mushrooms could offer such benefits. While the study was conducted on rodents, scientists are hopeful that reishi might play a significant role in the fight against Alzheimer’s in the future. The findings showed that reishi extract supports the production of nerve growth factor, a crucial element for maintaining healthy neurological functions.

They Help Care For Your Liver

A study on mice found that reishi mushroom spores promote liver cell regeneration, enhancing the liver's ability to perform its crucial role of filtering toxins from the body. A well-functioning liver is essential for regulating other key processes, such as maintaining balanced blood sugar levels—beneficial for individuals with diabetes—and managing allergies. The triterpenes, known for their anti-cancer properties, also showed potential in reversing liver cell damage, further highlighting reishi’s impressive health benefits.

They’ll Cheer You Up!

The reishi belongs to the family of adaptogenic mushrooms, which means that they can help your body to combat stress. In a small study conducted in China, of 132 patients suffering from neurasthenia (a condition which causes extreme mental and physical fatigue), positive results were found after the ingestion of reishi. The patients reported the easing of symptoms of aches, pains, dizziness and irritability. This implies that as well as relieving pain, reishi can improve mood! Although the evidence is not yet as strong as that for psilocybin mushroom’s depression-beating qualities — time will tell how scientists can use this amazing property to treat mental health conditions. 

How To Take Reishi

You can take reishi in the traditional form of a tea — but nowadays you can also buy all kinds of tinctures, capsules and even protein powders to suit your needs! If you experience any allergy or side-effects from your foray into taking reishi — such as itchy throat, dry mouth or stomach pains — it’s best to steer clear. Additionally, if you are taking any medications, always talk to your doctor before changing your routine. 

So, make like ancient royalty and check out this scarlet, super-powered ‘mushroom!

Reishi Mushroom Benefits

  • Anti-cancer properties

  • Boost the immune system

  • Could reduce fatigue and depression

  • Heart health and blood sugar

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